10th blog post: British Weather

Hi everyone as you have probably noticed I haven’t been blogging for a while and I’m really sorry about that but there has been a lot happening right now.

Anyway this post is going to be about the weather in Britain (you could probably tell by the title) and the way it changes all the time, one minute is lovely and sunny then it starts to pour down with rain and hail. Can get very annoying.

Take last week for example, it was quite warm for England around 17oc in the day the sun was shining and everyone seemed to be happier but then came the weekend. The rain came back and so did the cold temperature. But in all honesty I wasn’t to bothered, I’ve grown up in Britain so I’m used to the weird climate. But sometimes I do wish we lived in somewhere hotter like LA. So I want to know where your from or what the climate is like where your from?

Here are some photosets of what I would wear when it’s warm and wet in Britain…

 http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=117044932 —- warm weather

http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_13/set?id=117043769 —– normal weather



Also I am going vegetarian for a week starting Monday so I’ll try and post photos or something of my meals. 

9th blog post: Soup recipe.

Hey everyone today I’m gonna give you a good, tasty and healthy recipe.

This recipe will make enough for one person.

So you’ll need 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, 1 stock cube of your choice, a pan of water (boiling), as much spice as you like.

The first thing you’ll have to do is peel and chop the carrots and potatoes into small bit’s.

Next make sure the water is boiling in a pan on the hob and chuck the carrots and potatoes and leave until they are so soft you can put a knife through them and they should split.

Once the vegetables are soft crumble the stock cube in and mix.

Once it’s all mixed chuck the mixture in a blender or food processor and keep blending for 20 seconds or until it isn’t lumpy.

Finally pop it in a bowl and enjoy or if your saving for later pop in a bowl cover in tinfoil and pop it tin the fridge then later pop it in a pan and simmer until the soup starts to bubble.

I hope you all try this recipe and enjoy is as much as I did. Especially since it’s nearing winter and in England it get’s colder and this recipe is super healthy.

Bye. x 


8th Blog: The 00’s Tag

Hello everyone I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in so long I’ve had so much going on with school work and friends and boyfriends. So this post is going to be like the 90’s tag but for people born in the 00’s here we go.

1. Favorite Disney film?

For me it would have to be Bambi I just love the way the whole movie goes and it’s soooo cute.

2. Favorite music artist?

I have so many Girls Aloud, the Sugar Babes, Good Charlotte, Eminem, Coldplay, The Saturdays, Beyonce, Pink, and the Spice Girls.

3. Favorite sweets?

My all time fave sweets are definitely have to be Moams they’re like bursts of happiness in my math.

4. Favorite board game?

Since I was brought up with an older brother I used to play games with him like snakes and slides and Monopoly.

5. Favorite McDonalds happy meal toy?

A while ago they did these little the dog key rings and they were so cute I had like 4 of them which wasn’t very healthy for me.

6. Favorite book?

There was this series of books my aunty got me for Christmas and they were like the twins at St Claire’s and the twins at st Claire’s go wild and also Jacqueline Wilson and  Roald Dahl.

7. Favorite clothing store?

Obviously Primark, H and M, BHS and Asda George.

8. Favorite Nickelodeon show?

The likes of The Amanda Show, Drake and Josh, Keenan and Kel, SpongeBob and Icarly.

9. What would you watch when you came home from school?

Usually Drake and Josh or Spongebob would be on.


That’s all the questions I got the inspiration for this post was from Zoella and Tanya Burr who are beautiful YouTubers.

Here’s the link for the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH9pPrS4Be0



7th Blog: Primark Haul.

Hi everyone I hoped you all like my video but I think I’ll stick to blog posts for now. So this blog post is my Primark haul, since I went shopping at the weekend so why not show you all what I bought and if you don’t have Primark in your country it basically is a clothing store that sells cheap clothes, shoes, home things e.t.c. Let’s go!

The first thing I bought was a pair of slipper socks that are really soft inside and are Koalas, there super comfy and since it’s getting closer to the cold snowy days I need some cozy feet warmies and they were £3.50



The next thing that was in my basket is continuing with my comfy collection are a pair of pj bottoms that are like leggings but are so soft and comfy I am literally living in them and let me tell you I am probably wearing them as you read this and they were only £5 they also have a little silk feel ribbon tie if you want them tighter.



Next is a comfy jumper that has a blown up picture of a French Bulldog, it’s so warm and comfy and if you want you can layer it maybe with a shirt with a collar underneath and it was £7 reduced so there may not be many left.



Almost done two more things, so next is a plain black t-shirt, not much to say about it really apart from me probably layering it up with again a shirt or a strap on collar and it was only £3 which is a bargain.


The last thing is a black purse with a gold heart design on it. I bought this because my old purse was just too small and it was only £2 which is really cheap so I was very happy with that.



Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Please can you help me with some new post ideas and I will love you to the moon and back. 

Bye xxx

My Tumblr!

Hey guys I hope you liked the video I posted, can you do me a great favor and follow my tumblr I’ll follow you all back. I’ll post my Primark Haul on Saturday (I think)! Bye!!! xxx


Please help me I need a post idea for my next post. Comment any ideas for me please!!!! Should I do a video since I’ve never done one?!?!?

6th Blog: Glossy Box.

Hello a few days ago I got my first Glossy box and I thought I’d tell you all about it.


So the first thing I saw was a sample of Katy Perry’s new perfume killer queen and it smells amazing I am literally in love with it. If you were here I would let you smell it!


The next thing I got was JvG soft touch eyeliner, it’s really soft on your eye and it’s really easy to draw across which is what I like in an eyeliner so I’m really happy with it.


Another thing I got was an anti- blemish gel which I haven’t used yet since I haven’t got any Blemishes so yeah that wasn’t much use to me but here’s what it looks like.



Next I got two NYC in a color minute times square I got a normal sized red color and a silver decorative nail varnish they both dry really quickly on the bottle it say 60 seconds but I didn’t count.



The next thing I got out was a Beauty UK posh pout lip crayon in a really pretty pink I tried it on and it adds a little tint to your lips but not much but it is really nice, even though it doesn’t smell the nicest.



My final gift was a little throw in treat sort of thing which was a compact mirror which was advertising Gabrielle Aplins new album English Rain and it was a lovely little throw in.



All in all it was a nice little treat for myself but I don’t think I’ll be getting one every month.

Bye Love ya!


Fifth Blog: Maybelline, Baby Lips Review!

Hello, today I’m going to be reviewing the Maybelline Baby Lips.

There like lip balms with a tint of color, so they basically work as a 2 in 1 with the goodness of a lip balm and the prettiness of the lip tint. They aren’t to expensive either I got mine from Boots (a drug store sort of thing in the UK they sell make up to medicines to hair styling to baby clothes) they were 3 for 2 and they were 2.99 each. There is a variety of flavors I got Pink Punch, Cherry Me and Peach Kiss there is another 3 flavors Hydrate, Intense Care and Mint Fresh.

I would recommend the Peach kiss, Hydrate, Mint fresh and Intense Care are the best ones for school since they don’t have a lip tent so they give you a natural look. However you need to apply it a few times to get the baby soft lips but they do work.

I hope this review has helped you and I’m sorry has taken so long to publish since I’ve gone back to school so I have tests and homework but my next post should be about my Glossy box I’ve ordered.

Forth blog: Liebster award.

Hello I was nominated for the Liebster award by http://ateenagersmemoir.wordpress.com/. I find it really heart warming that she enjoys my blog and likes to read the silliness I come out with. So here I go!!!

The Liebster Award Rules:  
You must link back the person who nominated you.
You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers
You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

10 question I answer:

#What is your worst habit?

My worst habit is probably when I get really nervous and start messing with my hair and breathing heavy, once I had a little panic attack but that will hopefully stop soon!

#What is the one thing you will never do again?

I will defiantly not go on a little plane that has propellers and have to sit literally next to them. They are the loudest little buggers ever!

#What happened the last time you cried?

The last time I cried was when we sold my granddads house in Ireland. Your probably thinking what a baby but we have had so many amazing memories there and knowing I’m never gonna see the house again really broke me. Especially since that was pretty much the last bit of my granddad we had left since he died 6 years in January.

#If you could have one superpower for one day, what would it be and what would you do?

My superpower would be being invisible. Because you could sneak around people and scare them and it would just be so much fun. Also you could go into Starbucks (yum) and ask for something and the person at the counter would be so confused and just get it for you.

#What is your most embarrassing moment?

Goodness there’s been so many haha… but the one that I won’t forget was when I was walking to Nandos in winter and I slipped and it was so busy and there was people in there cars probably wetting them selves with laughter!

#If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self? 

Stop being so shy, what does it matter if people don’t like who you are. If you have close friends then that is all that matters.

#What is the most scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

When I was diagnosed with diabetes and I had all these tests and I had to wear this weird mask thing that stunk.   

#What was happening the last time you were really nervous?

When I went swimming and there wasn’t any private cubicles so I had to change in front of all these really skinny girls and I just felt ugly and fat compared to them. At one point I was gonna leave swimming I was that nervous.

#What would people be surprised to learn about you?

That I have this blog because I would be embarrassed for people to know this incase my friends thought it was weird and people I don’t even know would be like ” What is she doing to her life” and stuff like that.

#What is your most favorite thing to do?

I love to watch videos on YouTube and I also love to read other peoples blogs.

Here are the people I have chose












Here are my questions for you:

#Why did you start your blog?

#What is your best memory?

#How long have you had your blog?

#If you were the opposite gender what would you do for the day?

#Who are your 3 favorite bloggers?

#What is your favorite movie?

#Did you enjoy school?

#What food do you find easy to make?

#Are you on Tumblr, YouTube or Blogger?

#Where do you like to shop the most for food?